Title: 69: Itsuwari no Hohoe – Episode 2
Description: In "69: Itsuwari no Hohoe" an intriguing hentai anime, the protagonist is a top-performing student who strives to uphold her image as a hardworking and dedicated learner. However, Aoi's academic performance takes a nosedive, leading her into a challenging predicament. Desperate for improvement, she resorts to blackmailing her teacher, Izumi, in an attempt to regain control over her situation. Despite these efforts, Aoi faces continuous failure and must navigate the complexities of her relationship with her tormented educator. This captivating story explores themes of ambition, temptation, and the consequences that arise from unconventional methods of achieving success.
Alternative title: 69 ~偽りの微笑~~性認欲求~(仮)
Release date: 2024/02/22