Title: Gishi wa Yan Mama Junyuu Chuu – Episode 1
Description: In this provocative tale, Hentai revolves around the story of a married woman who, despite her committed relationship, finds herself sexually unsatisfied in her marriage. In an attempt to make up for lost time, she decides to explore her desires with her brother, who has come to stay with her husband and children. What begins as a harmless joke shared between siblings on a drunken bench will soon escalate into a frenzied series of encounters that defy the boundaries of conventionality and decorum. As the story unfolds, our protagonist navigates the complexities of familial relationships, societal expectations, and her own desires as she embarks on this journey of self-discovery and exploration with her brother. The once taboo interactions between them will evolve into a constant, uninhibited expression of their carnal urges - always and everywhere, at any convenient opportunity that presents itself. This daring narrative delves deep into the realms of forbidden desires, pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in the name of love, lust, and familial bonds.
Alternative title: 義姉はヤンママ授乳中
Release date: 05. 6. 2020