Title: Goblin no Suana – Episode 4
Description: Sayuki, a female samurai who came from a distant foreign land across the sea, possesses beautiful eyebrows and an outstanding feminine physique that attracts men. However, beneath her elegant exterior lies the ferocity of a beast. She is a master sharpened like a katana on a journey to hone her warrior skills in pursuit of reaching the pinnacle of the world. Despite her formidable reputation, goblins view an excellent female as nothing more than prey. If they encounter such a woman, they will attack in groups and capture her without fail. Sayuki, who despises her goblin captors for their weakness, finds herself trapped within a dark den where her pride as a samurai is severely wounded. As the once-noble samurai struggles to maintain her composure, she becomes helplessly aware of her vulnerability as a woman. The goblin's strong hold on Sayuki's waist serves as a stark reminder of her newfound status, leaving her panting and writhing in an effort to reclaim some semblance of dignity. Through the visible signs of her struggle – her labored breathing and contorted body language – one can discern evidence of Sayuki's transformation from proud samurai to vulnerable woman.
Alternative title: ゴブリンの巣穴 第四話 女サムライ サユキ
Release date: 2023/11/24