Title: J* Genkai Koubi: Goui Sounyuu de Bachibachi Niku Anaka – Episode 1
Description: Welcome to the Sexual coexistence Club! The club Lina made for her life is at risk for being abrogated. The club is at risk for being shut down since they can't bear to give a club space to a club that has no character. Shota, the main individual from the club and a cherished companion, had no real option except to stop. Not having any desire to surrender her clubroom, where she can do anything she needs, she requests that Shota help her. Shota, who has always been unable to reject Rina's requests, vows to help out her once more. Rina thinks of a plan to begin another club, the Sex Club, to tackle sexual issues and work on sexual life. Rina promptly attempts to tackle Shota's sexual issues.
Alternative title: J〇限界交尾 ~合意挿入でバチバチ肉穴化~ 第1話 性活部へようこそ
Release date: June 24, 2022