Title: Mahou Touki Lilustear – Episode 2
Description: I was caught by Hamelder, an evil organization ? Mt. Deprived of her enemies' tricks, she runs naked, but with her fighting spirit in her eyes. "I'm going to destroy such a base...!" Meanwhile, Rin, who is responsible for the exposure of violet, consulted with Mie, a collaborator of the Magical Fighter. Violet may be at the base of the enemy, and she hears the place from the enemy. Rin and Lilstia chase Hamelder in that way, but the opponent is more numerous than I imagined. Lil's tier is surrounded by a large number of combatants and is easily seized. A number of magical hands are on her shit and whipping thighs! Combatants who appear endlessly because they are defeated. A large amount of white-tailed cumshot is released into the entire body of the magistrate, in the vagina. Shit boobs and whipped thighs, energy filling! Princess Magiator Lil Stia, time for counterattack.
Alternative title: 魔法闘姫リルスティア 第二話 立ちはだかる無数の敵! リルスティアの大乱交
Release date: 2024/01/26