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Mako-chan Kaihatsu Nikki – Episode 1 A-Hentai TV

Title: Mako-chan Kaihatsu Nikki – Episode 1

Description: Our principal character is Makoto Himemiya - a highly accomplished student with an inclination towards sensual pursuits. Following her confession of love and shared kiss with childhood friend Kaoru, our heroine found herself in desperate need of release to quell the burgeoning excitement within. To satisfy this daily requirement, she engaged in self-pleasure while immersed in provocative material. Unbeknownst to Makoto, her stepbrother surreptitiously observed these intimate moments. Upon learning that Kaoru was set to visit, he could no longer suppress his own desires and chose to intervene, intending to assuage the unrelenting lust that had amassed within his sister.

Alternative title: OVA まこちゃん開発日記 #1

Release date: 01-01-2023

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