Title: So Low Futago Shimai to Katei Kyoshi – Episode 2
Description: I'll never forgive you. Kasumi is fucked by Kodai Even so, she didn't even notice that her victorious spirit was stirring up even more excitement as she continued to curse and complain without flinching... She is made to suck and swallow, her ass held up and thrust deep Her body, exposed to cloudy whiteness over and over again, began to show different reactions without even realizing it. Meanwhile, Mitsuki senses a disturbing atmosphere between Kasumi and Kodai. She...she was forced to study in a sloppy manner, but when she realized... She was in the closet and she was in close contact with Kodai face to face, which made her in a difficult situation.
Alternative title: so_low ~双子姉妹の謹み~
Release date: 2023/12/22